Case: Kouvola Power Gym | WiseNetwork Oy

​​​​​​​Keep Old Customers while Making New Ones:
​​​​​​​Case Kouvola Power Gym

​​​​​​​​Targeted marketing with WiseGym's tools - an example of a successful Black Friday campaign

Tag Automation Ensures Success

With the help of WiseGym's marketing tools, customers can be segmented entirely automatically using various tags that are generated based on the customer's interests. Tags are topic labels that can be connected to different actions, allowing for very precise grouping of contacts and activities within the system. Tags enable targeted communication, as they automatically update mailing lists in real-time.

From Potential to Customer

Collecting potential leads for a gym can be done in several ways. Here is one example.

  1. Organize a survey or raffle, by responding to which customers can win free gym time.
  2. Automatically assign a "potential" tag in the system to everyone who participates in the survey/raffle.
  3. Market an appropriate "lead magnet" product (e.g., a gym pass for 10 sessions at a discounted introductory price) to all individuals with the "potential" tag who participated in the raffle.
  4. When a customer takes up the offer and purchases the product, the system removes the "potential" tag from them and adds a new tag, in this case, it could be "10-pass". This way, we can approach these "10-pass" customers with offers intended for them in the future. This also avoids situations where a current recurring billing member would take up a 10-pass offer, or a newsletter for ex-members saying "We want you back at the gym" would be sent to someone who has been a gym member for years.

​​​​​​​Offers for Current Customers

WiseGym provides an excellent way to increase customer satisfaction and retention, as the system allows targeting the best campaigns and offers to the gym's current customers (so the best deals don't always go to new customers only). WiseGym can add offers to the online store that are visible only to current gym customers, i.e., those with an active gym access. Customers simply click the online store button in the gym's mobile app, where they automatically see only the offers and campaigns intended for them, not visible to other groups.

Offers can also be tailored based on purchased products: "single-pass" customers see only the offers targeted to them, "annual pass" customers see offers intended for them, and so on.


Example of a Successful Black Friday Campaign

Ville Ahvenainen

CEO / Power Gym


Black Friday marketing plan at Power Gym's Kouvola location

"We wanted to maximize Black Friday online sales with the help of Wiseplatform and devised the following marketing plan for both current and new customers:

  • Start pre-marketing the Black Friday event well in advance without revealing upcoming offer prices to customers. This way, customers won't take attractive offers from competitors but will wait for our upcoming offers, and competitors won't see our upcoming offers either.
  • Two weeks before the Black Friday event, start collecting potential leads by offering a completely non-committal and free one-week trial at the gym with a "don't buy a pig in a poke" campaign, allowing new potential customers to familiarize themselves with the gym and adding them to the "potential" lead list.
  • Market "scarcity" by announcing that the upcoming offers will only be valid on Friday, 25.11.
  • Market the upcoming event to current active customers with the campaign "soon loading gym cards with the year's best offers".


Campaign Execution

We timed newsletters according to customer tags, so single-pass customers received targeted offers for single passes, customers with fixed-term memberships received campaigns for fixed-term products, annual pass customers received an offer specifically for annual passes, and potential customers received offers for memberships as well as other products and services.

The Campaign Achieved Incredible Results

Power Gym made an all-time sales record, and the biggest thanks go to WisePlatform's sales tools, which allowed us to offer targeted offers to the right customer groups. The targeted marketing of WisePlatform's marketing tools cannot be praised enough."