WiseBlog: ​​​​​​​5 Tips for Email Marketing | WiseNetwork Oy

WiseBlog: ​​​​​​​5 Tips for Email Marketing

With these tips, you will stand out and shine with your email message content.

1. Content and objective go hand in hand

When creating content, think about the objective of your message: to inform your customers, to get participants for an event, to increase article readership/page visits, to gain more subscriptions, to encourage file downloads, etc.

  • Keep the content simple.
  • A message should have only one objective.
  • Prefer one important topic over several less important ones.
  • Every email marketing message should include a command form call-to-action, such as "download," "watch," "read," "learn more," or "register." It's also important that the button visually stands out in the message.

2. Email subject line - would you open your own message?

  • There are various "norms" and recommendations for email subject lines, such as "keep the title short" and "describe the topic." However, nothing stops you from forging your own path and testing different titles to see what works best with your target audience.
  • Don't lock yourself into a certain format: the subject can also be provocative, sensational, or deviate from the norm.
  • Consider whether you would open a message with the subject line you have written.
  • Using different words can also help to spark interest and hint that there is much more to come in the message. To arouse interest, you might use words like "how," "who," "why," "where," "what," and "these"...
  • Subject lines can also be A/B tested: Divide your target audience in two and send messages to both groups on the same day at the same time, and see which title performs better.
  • The main thing is to monitor which titles get opened and develop your activities accordingly.

3. Pay attention to writing style and personalization

The writing style of a message is an essential part of its content. The style is largely dictated by the company's communication guidelines, but it's also important to write from one person to another.

  • Imagine writing to a specific individual who represents your message's audience.
  • Add more personalization to your message by including the recipient's name in the subject field or greeting.


4. Focus on clarity and scannability

Be clear and use only language that your message's recipients will understand. A clear and easily scannable message is pleasant to read. Do this by:

  • Utilizing subheadings
  • Creating lists
  • Choosing an appropriate image for the topic
  • The balance between images and text is important to avoid being perceived as spam.
  • Do not use Caps Lock, as no one likes being shouted at.

5. Test the mobile view and link functionality

The importance of testing cannot be overstated. Always send yourself a test message from the email you plan to send.

  • Check the spelling.
  • Preview your message on mobile.
  • Ensure that all links work!

Jose Laaksonen
Manager / WiseEvent

Jose Laaksonen is a seasoned professional in event production with a rich background in organizing exhibitions and producing concerts. He has managed a wide array of events, from traditional horse races to various cultural events including exhibitions and concerts. At WiseNetwork, he continues to leverage his extensive experience to enhance event management solutions