Maximize Your E-Commerce Efficiency with all-in-one system | WiseNetwork Oy

​​​​​Maximize Your E-Commerce Efficiency
​​​​​​​with All-In-One System

Even if the foundation of your e-commerce is solid, customers won’t accidentally find their way there.
​​​​​​​So, don't forget to market your online store and inform your customers about it.

Elevate e-commerce content to your homepage and newsletters

When using WisePlatform, where all tools are integrated into the same system, it means that it's easy to bring content from the e-commerce to other parts of the system. Products and offers sold in the online store can be highlighted in the content of the homepages or included with the e-commerce product in newsletters sent to customers.

Segment your target audience

A personalized message built for a segmented target audience speaks directly to its recipients and therefore generates better results. In WisePlatform, customers can automatically be assigned different tags or roles based on their e-commerce purchases. These segmentations can be used, for example, to reward committed customers or ensure that customers will continue purchasing.

In addition to segmenting target groups, it's also important to focus on the timeliness of the products/services: Which products/services are currently of interest to my target group at this time of year?

Add a campaign page for members in the e-commerce

If you want to create a campaign page in the e-commerce that is visible only to a specific customer group, this can be done through the system’s role management. In this case, customers must be registered in your system (i.e., they must have a username and password) and have a specific role assigned to them.

Schedule discount campaigns

In WisePlatform's e-commerce, you can schedule discounts to start and end at a desired time. This way, you don’t need to remember to manually remove the discounts from visibility.

Note that WisePlatform's e-commerce can also sell services 'through the warehouse.' The system is then set up with a maximum number of discounted services that you want to sell. For instance, it’s possible to sell 20 units of a discounted service, after which the price will return to normal. If you want to sell a limited quantity of a service you offer, please contact your account manager.

Keep product inventories up to date

When product and inventory management are integrated into the same system, inventory levels automatically stay up to date. This avoids unpleasant situations where a customer orders a product that is out of stock.

Boost sales with gift cards

WisePlatform's e-commerce includes a ready-to-use gift card element for our customers. Gift cards provide a way for businesses to generate additional sales, and for end customers, they offer the convenience of purchasing products/services regardless of time and place. Gift cards are available in both traditional printable and electronic versions.

After an order, excellent customer service becomes crucial

When a customer has placed an order, the work doesn’t stop there. If a customer has ordered a product to be delivered, the delivery must be quick. Customer service should also be easily accessible for any questions the customer might have.

Particular attention must be paid to the delivery of products, especially those purchased as gifts, to ensure they reach customers on time. With gift cards, this problem does not exist, as the gift card is delivered electronically to the customer immediately after purchase. Therefore, a gift card is an excellent tip for last-minute gift shopping!


Joni Meskanen

CEO of WiseNetwork

I'm dedicated to empowering SMEs in the sports and fitness industry through innovative digital solutions. With 25 years of gym industry experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge to enhance digital presence, streamline operations, and enrich customer experiences for gyms, golf clubs, climbing facilities, and more. My mission is to drive transformation and growth, helping SMEs to thrive in a competitive digital landscape.