Story Behind the Innovation | WiseNetwork Oy

Story Behind the Innovation

Good stories have been made to be shared. The story behind WiseNetwork has been going on for decades.

From Presidential INNOSUOMI Award to WisePlatform

The founders of WiseNetwork have a successful history behind the solution. Hannu Myöhänen and Pentti Teponoja founded company, Suorakanava Oy, in the late 1980s, developing a great success story. At the turn of the millennium and the beginning of the 21st century, became the market-leading construction and renovation website and community: the customer base expanded to 400,000 builders and renovators. The story culminated in 2006, when the service was awarded the INNOSUOMI award.

All in One System

The idea of ​​developing a comprehensive business system for all companies is also crystallized in the early 2000s. The background system used by was entirely the company's own product development. The focus was on CRM, around which a table of communications and sales for builders and renovators was built, as well as industry-specific digital services for the target group.

When all the tools were in the same system, the values ​​of the future WisePlatform were already realized at that time: ease of use and reliability. Lasse Myöhänen CTO, Timo Lehtinen Production Director, and Santeri Kyrövaara Creative Director, have also background in

After big media company bought the company of, the development of a CRM-based ERP system was obvious - the company WiseNetwork and the WisePlatform innovtion were founded as the basis for it all. Communication, sales and financial management tools required for a company's business in a CRM controlled manner: all in the same system, with the same logics and usernames.

WiseNetwork Today

Today, WiseNetwork employs nearly 30 people. In total, more than 130 person-years have been invested in the development of WisePlatform, and the development of the system never ends - so that our customers can always have an up-to-date system at their disposal.

WiseNetwork - Story Behind the Name

There is also a story behind the name WiseNetwork. The name of the new company was to describe how customers are closely involved in developing the world’s largest CRM system with us. Together we form a wise community and that would better describe this than the name WiseNetwork. The development work carried out for each industry also benefits all our other customers - so WisePlatform will continue to be developed together. The story goes on and every business has a chance to be a part of it.​​​​​​​