WiseGym - All-in-One business management system for gyms | WiseNetwork Oy


​​​​​​WiseGym - the Ultimate All-in-One Business Management System for Gyms

Join the WiseNetwork and shape the future of gyms.

Are You Struggling With...

Post-its and Excel Sheets?

Are you juggling 7-10 software programs daily? What if you could use only 1?

Ever Changing Consumer Habits?

​​​​​​​Your customers want to buy gym pass in advance, on phone, and walk right in when it suits them.

Can your current system support this?

Sales, Marketing, and Communication?

​​​​​​​Your gym likely sees tens of thousands of visitors each year.

Wouldn't it be nice to identify and re-engage them?

Let them buy more gym time in an easy way?

​​​​​​​Introducing WiseGym

Premium business management system designed specifically for staff running a gym.

CRM-driven WiseGym gathers all your tasks and data into one place. This means no more post-it notes, Excel sheets, or software jungles to work with.

No coding, integrations or APIs. It’s all built ready to use, and you don’t need to worry about syncing.

Less time juggling the software means more time developing your sales and business. Your future.


​​​​​​​The Power of All-in-One CRM

In a CRM system where marketing, sales, and management tools are built-in tools,
​​​​​​​all processes become more efficient.


Multiple software solutions
Data in 100 different platforms
Mistakes caused by manual work


Data in one platform
Growth opportunities
Increased sales
Happier customers

​​​​​​​Boost Your Sales and Create Happier Customers

WiseEcommerce webshop for

all products & services

With WiseGym you can sell all your products and services via webshop. The customer will register to your system, go to webshop, pick a product, go through payment process and finalize the purchase. If the product is a gym access product the customer will automatically and instantly receive the access rights that are included in the product. Now the customer can instantly check-in to gym or enroll to a fitness class via app.

Payment in advance

WiseEcommerce webshop is used with Stripe who provides the online payments. Your gym may use all the payment methods that Stripe offers. These include credit card payments, bank redirects and Paypal for example. Your online webshop is open 24/7 and 365 days a year and you never miss a sale because of the long line to the customer service counter. Stripe uses daily payouts to deposit your sales to your bank account.

Advance Enrollment and Payment for Courses, Workshops, and Competitions

Different kinds of workshops, courses, and competitions no longer require manual work regarding enrollments or payments. These types of events can be sold via webshop as tickets. When a workshop is sold as a ticket through a webshop, you always get your money upfront and don't lose it with no-shows.

Direct Debit file generation

every day

WiseGym enables daily direct debit for gym memberships, offering immediate access and billing from purchase date. This boosts sales and ensures steady cash flow by allowing sign-ups any day, eliminating the wait for a new month.

Built-in Access Control

WiseGym can be used with doors and gates linked to the system, offering a modern way of access control. This eliminates the need for customers to go through the service counter, reduces staff workload, and enables 24/7 gym operation—potentially increasing sales by extending open hours.

Automated segmenting of customers and marketing

WiseGym comes with various marketing tools, including WiseCMS for content creation, and capabilities for email, SMS, and push notifications. Its WiseSurvey tool enhances potential customer data collection for WiseCRM. The system segments customers using tags based on interactions like purchases and event enrollments, facilitating targeted marketing through automated mailing lists without manual effort.

Built by the Gym Community​​​​​​​

We create premium, industry-specific all-in-one CRM business systems. Our solutions are always developed in collaboration with industry experts and our customers.

What Our Clients Say About Us​​​​​​​

“The greatest benefit is that all the tools we need are in the same system and communicate with each other.”

Anton Isaksson,
​​​​​​​Shareholder of Sipoo Syke

"WiseGym has significantly simplified our operations in various aspects. Today, we would not exchange WiseGym for any price for any other system."

Sanna Halonen,
Entrepreneur of Sports Center Core

Keep Old Customers while Making New Ones: Case Kouvola Power Gym


Keeping customers is everything, especially with customers dodging long-term commitments these days. Gyms need to get creative and up their service game to keep clients. That's where WiseGym shines. It makes it incredibly easy for your customers to stick around. They can simply tap a few times to add more gym time.
And there's more – WiseGym enables you to roll out exclusive deals for your existing customers. This way, your loyal members always score the top offers, feeling valued and less likely to look elsewhere for a better deal. It's a smart fix to the main reason most people switch gyms: chasing better offers.

Ville Ahvenainen, the entrepreneur of Kouvola Power Gym, shares how their company achieved an all-time sales record by utilizing the tools of WiseGym.

"We wanted to maximize our Black Friday online sales with the help of WiseGym, and we created a marketing plan for both current and new customers."


The total sales for Kouvola Power Gym on Black Friday were €33,303.

In addition, memberships were pre-sold to potential customers with the theme 'train for the rest of the year at a special price.' After that, the contract continues as a normal recurring billing membership. A record-breaking 87 of these contracts were made!

Ville Ahvenainen / CEO of Power Gym


"Creating and editing website content was easy and quick. The installation of access control had been well-prepared and went smoothly, even though it was a big project. The CRM tasks and their instructions were good, and they came as a positive surprise; we had not expected that. Additional help for the tasks from WiseNetwork was received well and promptly."

Aleksi Inkinen / Energy Fitness Center



"WiseNetwork had a clear and understandable preliminary plan on how to proceed and the timelines involved. This worked well. Transitions always have their own problems, but WiseNetwork was able to solve all the issues."

Harri Ojala / Fitness Center Kanava

​​​​​​​WiseNetwork is a member of EuropeActive and part of its T-20 group. T-20 is dedicated to promoting and accelerating digitalization in the fitness industry.

​​​​​​​What Makes WiseGym Different

WiseGym's operational management system gathers websites, marketing, sales, and financial management tools with gym-spesific solutions, all in one CRM system. All tools are developed by us, WiseNetwork, so you don’t have to worry about integrations ever again. You only need WiseGym to run your business.

Oh, and the best part? WiseGym was created for gyms, by gym managers. So you get exactly the tools you need. And the development continues.

This means all of our customers WiseGym systems are always up to date, yet never finished - because we want you to stay ahead with WiseGym.


Free Mobile App for Your Customers

WiseGym comes with a free mobile app for your customers!
COVID-19 really switched up how people buy gym time. Instead of locking into long-term memberships, customers now prefer more flexible options like day passes or short-term memberships. Gyms had to adapt fast to keep up with these changes, but not all systems are up to speed.

Let’s be honest: who wants to wait a week just to get a pass in the mail, especially for a one-off gym visit?

That's where our mobile app comes in handy. It lets your customers buy access on the spot, so they can hit the gym whenever it feels right, no waiting for the front desk. So WiseGym App works as a mobile gym card.

Shopping for gym time just got a whole lot easier.

Built-in Tools You Need to Grow Your Gym Business


  • WiseRoles - Role management for different user rights
  • WiseSign - Digital signature
  • WiseTags - Automatic segmentation of customers
  • WiseActivities - Customer activity history
  • WiseAssigments - Tasks and work lists for organization members
  • WiseCalendar - Work calendar for internal use of the organization


  • WiseWebsite - Branded Website and Subsites
    • Website Menu Management
    • Website Banner Management
    • Landing pages for custom offers
    • On Demand Content
  • WiseIntra - Solutions for internal communication


    • WisePDM - Product management of all sales
      • Sales data accounting
      • Automation of customer segmentation
      • Access rights based on purchase
    • WiseDeal - From quotation to contract
      • From offer to order/contract
      • Digital signature
      • Automated invoicing / Recurring card payments
    • WiseEcommerce - B2C online stores
    • WiseReserve - Spesific reservation systems for different industries
    • WisePOS - Point of Sales applications
      • In addition to new sales, paying orders/contracts to the cashier
      • Entry of access rights/visits to the cash register
      • Fully customizable checkout counters
      • POS suitable for mobile devices
      • Receipt printer integration
    • WiseTicket - Own ticket shop of the event operator
    • WiseLeads - Sales Funnel for Sales activities


    • WiseMail - E-mails and newsletters
      • Automatic e-mailing lists
      • Unsubscription groups
    • WiseEvent - Event management
      • Recurring events
      • Event invitations and reminders
      • Event registrations and CRM update based on them
    • WiseVenues - Venue management
    • WiseSurvey - Forms and surveys
      • Automation for sales processes
      • Orders automatically from forms
      • Automation of customer segmentation from questionnaires
      • E-mail notifications to the survey respondent or a member of your own organization
      • Update of CRM data from survey respondents
      • Survey responses dashboard
      • Processing survey responses
    • WiseAD - Ad management
    • WiseApp - Mobile Application
      • Mobile Access Card
      • Event registrations
      • News feed
      • Push notifications
      • Managing your own customer profile (contact information, user information, contracts, payment cards)
      • Contact to customer service


    • WiseCheck-In - Check-in customers via POS
    • WiseMobileCheck-In - Check-in via WiseApp
      • A customer can check-in via WiseApp and open a door or a gate
      • A customer can enroll for an event or gym class via WiseApp

    WiseAutomation (Q1/2024)

    • WiseAutomation Manager - Automation management
    • WiseAutomation Flow - Automation flow: campaigns, loyalty program


    • WiseInvoice - Automatic invoicing and sales ledger
    • WiseBill - Purchase invoices and ledger (in Selected Countries)
    • WiseNote - Receipt management (in Selected Countries)
    • WiseAccounting - Automated accounting (in Selected Countries)


    • WiseWork - Work and Travel monitoring (Q1/2024 in Selected Countries)
    • WiseProject - Project monitoring (Q1/2024 in Selected Countries)
    • WiseHR - Human Resources (in Selected Countries)
    • WisePay - Salary system (in Selected Countries)

    Don't Settle for an Ordinary Management System - Choose WiseGym for the Premium Solution your Gym Deserves


    (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)​​​​​​​

    Juergen Stichenwirth​​​​​​​

    +43 664 1171108


    Joni Meskanen

    +358 50 5389512

    Johannes Cavallin

    COO / WiseGym



    ​​​​​​​Lasse Myöhänen

    +358 400 532592
